Monday, July 26, 2010

BP had “Good hustle out there”

Disclaimer** this was written back before the well was capped but i wanted to share it with you all.**

After four months and billions of dollars spent on the gulf oil spill bp calls it quits after failing to find a solution but calls good hustle anyway. “ you just got to go out there and give 100% and somedays that’s just not enough.” Said BP spokesman Jason Smitherton. “We went out there, took on our obstacles-not the least of which was our own absurd lack of foresight in case of just such an emergency-and we left everything on the field...including hundreds of thousands of gallons of crude oil.”.

Even though the oil well continues to spew into the gulf and will for at least the next couple of years everyone involved will be getting a trophy at the banquet in September. “ because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you win or lose or whether you have permentantly and irreparably damaged an entire eco system possibly sending the effected area into a economic crisis, all that matters is that you gave it your best shot.” Said Smitherton while fleeing from an angry mob of gulf coast fishermen.

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